Friday, November 9, 2012

A Reason, Season or a Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. 

That doesn't mean that you can love them an that they'll stick around for a lifetime... I believe we all spit and throw the word "love" all around as if it has no meaning or feeling. We say "I love you" to try and get them to stay, to get them to fess up, or we actually truly mean it. And stand behind it. You say you love him/her then you should stand behind that, whether it was for a reason a season or a lifetime. 
Sometimes people show up in your life for a reason. Maybe they've become a part of your life to teach you something. Like how to open up to how you feel or talk about what you're going through when you're just someone who bottles things up. Maybe the reason they're in your life right now is to change your outlook or your point of view on the world itself. Who knows? Either way, the reason that they were a part of your life for however long, was for you. 
Then there's the season.. The time in your life where there's someone who's suddenly there for you when you didn't realize you needed them. But as soon as they're not apart of your life, you realize how much you depended on them. Even if it was just waking up to their voice or text message..the season is over. But during that season you learn love, happiness, trust and faith, joy, pain and hurt.. However you choose to look at it. Just don't dwell on it. Open your eyes and look back on the good times. 
Last but not quite the least is the people who are there for a lifetime. Family. Family is there for you whether you want them to be or not. They'll stand by you even if they have to tell you that you were wrong. Family never ends and you need to hold on to your family as if your life depended on it because in the end they'll always be there for a lifetime. But then there's also the family you choose. Those few friends who've stood by you, cries with you, gets mad at you but doesn't ignore you, friends who are there for LIFE. they're there for a lifetime because you've given them a good enough reason to stay. 
-Hope you remember that some people come and go, but the ones that mean the most stay for life. 

Shout out to my girl @BECS; stop writing blogs about me Ill get an ego (; jk. I love you girl. My life was upside down this time last year and you stood by me every gosh darn step. You've given me more in a friendship than I could ask for. I miss you and I'm waiting for you to get it through your head that you're meant to live in WA (;
GMAMAS: OMG I love you both and miss you like crazy. You know up you are. No matter the miles that keep us apart. We are together for LIFE. You're some of the BESTEST friends a girl could ask for. Wouldn't have passed high school without you two (;

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Out of Nowhere

People come in and out of your life. But there are certain people who may have been a part of your life once before that God has brought back for different reasons.
My best friend is away at college, and I try to talk to her almost every day. But there are days when I don't get that chance. Or where I am too busy to just send that simple text message. True friends are there for you to comfort you out of nowhere. To stick up for to when the one you love isn't around to do it. God brings people out of nowhere whether you believe it or not right when you need them.
It doesn't matter how small you are in a friend circle, it doesn't matter how big you are either. Every day there is someone out there who is weak and needs that somebody.
Out of nowhere, there will come a time when someone sticks up for you. When the time comes are you going to stick up for them?

Everything happens for a reason. An for one of my favorite quotes,

"People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime."

Who are they for you?

Take a moment to write a tribute to them. Or maybe you should just thank them. As so it is, it's the month to give thanks...<3

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Tried Writing a Book Once,

I tried writing a book once. I have quite a few pages written actually. Shockingly, I still have it saved on my computer. Not sure why I let it go, but I remember it was the whole reason my mom convinced me to go to Trade School. Which I, to this day, am still not pursuing that career. *Massage Therapy* .

I still remember our conversation.. I was typing up my book and went off to go do something, and so my mom hopped on the computer to exchange some emails.. Little did I know, she was actually reading the book I had started. If I discovered blogs before I started writing that book, my blog posts would be each page of that book.
Anyways, she read it, and was truly impressed. She was like "Kelsey, I wish I could afford to send you to a university to pursue your dream of writing, but I can't. We could try community college or something. I just don't want you to be a food manager the rest of your life."
The next day after she got home from work I was being a good daughter and massaged her shoulders. Then that annoying Everest College commercial came on and two months later I was at Trade School.

Well that's not really the point of this post. The point is that I absolutely love writing. I love to write about the meaning of different things in life, the persepective of different words. So I am thinking of sharing a page with my readers (whoever you may be) but this time I am asking for comments and advice. I want to know what you think. Here goes;

Courage (n.): the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to
                                          face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear.

                Have you ever tried facing a problem without being afraid? Have you ever tried to have the courage to tell that one person how much you love them, or how much you need them in your life? I’d like to say that I’ve had the courage to do that more than once. Sure, I have, but I wouldn’t deserve the title of having courage because I was always, and still am, afraid to say those things aloud.
                That doesn’t mean you should, though, because every person has an inner strength that involves the influence of courage. Everyone has a soul, or spirit, and they can use it when they choose to, or they can ignore it because they’re afraid of the outcome. They, or you, shouldn’t be afraid of that, you should just be prepared. In the definition to courage it talks about how your mind or spirit enables you to face difficulty, danger and even pain.
                Here are a few examples of people that have more courage than most: someone who joins any force of the military, firefighters, police officers, politicians, pastors, assassins (even if they’re evil), racecar drivers, even actors. You’re probably asking yourself why I would put assassins and actors under those who have courage. I can tell you why. Assassins have courage because they put themselves in danger on purpose no matter what the cost, and they mostly do it for those who can’t do it themselves. It’s a terrible thing really, and no, we shouldn’t look up to someone who murders for a living. But hey, at least they live with no fear. And sure, they probably faced many issues in life that have changed their perspective and gives them the mindset to kill, but they still have the courage to do it.
                Actors. An actor is someone who entertains an audience by becoming someone else. Through movies, musicals, plays, anything really. How can someone that so often has to become someone else have courage? I’ll tell you. They have to face the difficulty of not really knowing their true self because they work so hard to be that person on screen. They have the courage to put so much effort into being another person because it’s what they do. By becoming that person on screen, they end up losing oneself. I’d call that courage.
                If I were to choose my own synonym for courage, I would choose daring. It’s like you’re enabling yourself to face your fears because you’re brave enough to do so. Last time I checked, that was more than anyone could handle. I believe that a courageous person has the strength to accept themselves as they are. They also have the talent to show others what they’re made of, but it’s not to show off. It’s to prove to everyone and anyone that they can be strong and courageous if they put the quality of their mind to it.
                I can admit that there were times when I thought I was a very courageous and fearless person, but I can’t say that I always have been, or that I always be. But there is someone that keeps me selfless, fearless, strong and hopeful. His name is Jesus, and if you don’t believe that, then I am sorry. If you’ve never heard of Him, I’d like to say to you that He’s the most courageous person that you’ll ever hear about. If you don’t believe in Him, than any courage you’ve ever had wasn’t inspired, or considered courage, it was pride. Pride isn’t a good thing, in case you were wondering.
                So when you want to be courageous, just believe, face your fears, and don’t be afraid.

He's There When The World Walks Out

I am telling a story for a friend because he shared it with me, and is letting me tell the world. And I am so honored.
I know a lot of people I know are familiar with the hike in North Bend, there are a couple different mountains, but you don't find God at the top of each one. I mentioned to him, since he along with my husband, are soldiers for the US Army, that God brings the right people together when you need them.
So here is his story:
"Before I left for BCT I went on a super long hike up at North Bend..
Just to get away and think. And I didn't think anyone would be up there. Well,
I got to the top and out of nowhere there are these three guys that come up to me and
start talking to me. I told them that I was about to go to BCT and all this other stuff. They offered to pray for me right there. And they also offered to pray for me at
their church. Well..The one thing that they said at the end of the prayer really stuck with me. Basically, they asked [God]that theright people be put into my life tat will protectme and always be there for me. They left and I never saw them again."

This is Joey Bauer. I've known him since the 4th grade, and that was his story.

I want the world to realize, it doesn't matter how many friends you have or whether or not your girlfriend or boyfriend is worth the fight, or worth the wait.

There is a Man who is always going to be there for us if we turn to Him. God is BIGGER than all friendships, relationships, deployments, distance and obstacles. He doesn't put us through anything that we can't handle. Instead, God brings us HIMSELF when we need Him the most. Whether we seek Him or not. Joey didn't know anyone would be at that mountain in that moment. But God knew that he needed Him. So God was there through those three guys giving Joey prayer.
Just like the famous song, "What if God Was One of Us", He's here. Watching over the soldiers, watching over your kids when you can't, watching over the world.

I am honored that I was able to share this story of a good friend who has been there for me since the day I found out that my husband joined the Army.

To continue his belief and new perspective of us who love God and care for people who are absolute strangers to us, I ask that you continue to pray for Joey and his company for their protection. They'll be deploying next year to Afghanistan. Show him and his company that God is BIGGER than the desert and He'll keep a protective bubble over them.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Joey's story!
One last request, please pray for my husband Dustin as he's training to be a soldier in the
US ARMY. That he gets through it like a breeze.

Thank you,
Kelsey Jean

Saturday, October 27, 2012

People DO Change

I just want to take a moment to say that people DO change.

At first you want to go with the cliche and say that "people never change,"
but that's just an excuse for you not to give them a chance.
Whether it's a friend, boyfriend or girlfriend, sister or parent, brother or child,
you should at least just give them a chance.

Yesterday I was in the social security office and ran into a person, that I didn't
even know his name, that I went to high school with. Unfortunately, I was
recognized because of who I dated in high school. Given that was almost 6 years ago.
Just for the record, I am not that "girl who dated so and so" anymore.

Life goes on and people change. That doesn't mean you should take the person
that you have fell in love with, and try to change every little flaw they have.
Instead, you should love each one of those flaws and realize that some of those
flaws, are the reasons you fell in love with them.

Over time, people do grow up. Whether or not you choose to believe that.
For others it takes until they're about 28 or older, and for some we've been
grown up since the day we left home. It takes time, and everyone can change.

But does that mean they should? Not always.

Basically what I am trying to say is GIVE THEM A CHANCE.

Don't put them down or tear them apart bit by bit until they feel worthless.

All the person needs is a simple sentence that's honest and to the point if
the fact is they need to change. Don't get on your high horse quite yet because
you know it may not be the other person.

It could be you that needs the changing. Whether or not you believe that,
you should always look at yourself before assuming it's the other person.

Over time it is true, people can change. If we need that change, you actually have to ask us. Or it won't happen.

Then you will just stay broken or disappointed.

Do me a favor, take a good look at your life.
Does it need some adjusting? Some change?
Maybe even just the simplisest tweak...

You'd be surprised what a little change does to you.

That's all for today, it may not make sense but that's what came to me.

Stay posted and keep reading.

(; ~Kelsey Jean~

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I should probably be sleeping, given that I have to wake up at 545am.

There are moments where someone is at a bad point in their life, and they need a little strength. So I'm blogging for them.
I want whoever it is you needs  that little pick up, that this isn't the end. You can pick yourself up and choose a different life, or learn to let it go. It may seem like it's the toughest task in the world, to let go of that person who broke your heart, to turn the other cheek when you've been disrespected.. Yeah it is hard.
But when you grab life by the horns and learn to take things as they come--that is when you gain the strength. When you choose to make good things from the bad. When you learn from your past mistakes to create yourself a better future. That is strength.
Strength is believing that even at your weakest moment you have the courage to make the right choice.
It does not matter what people think of you, what matters is what you make of yourself.
Take the chance at choosing to be strong. Don't look for pity or sorrow.
Instead show others how it doesn't phase you, that instead it fuels you confidence.
That is strength.
Let it roll of your shoulders; all those mistakes, regrets, heartbreaks, and putdowns.
Decide to be strong, and start living your life.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philipians 4:13

All you have to do, is believe.

Cold Days, Colder Nights

I am new at this.. so bare with me here.
As of today, my husband has been at Basic Training for two weeks. Can't say that I don't miss him like hell.
I know that everything is going to be moving forward for us instead of going two steps back but the waiting is the hard part. I heard a quote the other day that said, "She who waits also serves." I'm sure I'll be able to relate to that a lot later when he gets deployed or what not.
The only hard part next to the waiting, is being without him the same time of year as last year..The season just changed and I don't think the days have been any colder. I am not the kind of person who gets cold very easily, but I have been this fall. It's hard not having that God-made heater next to you under a hand-sewn quilt.
Even though I'm having a few cold days, and quite a bit more colder nights, in the end, it's all going to be worth the shivering.
He left that day as a boy, and I know for sure he's going to come home a Mann.
A Mann of hopes and dreams being accomplished, a Mann who is going to be the best Father a kid could ask for, A Mann who is going to be the husband some women wish they had, A Mann of character and strength.
I don't mind using an extra blanket or breaking my promise of not wearing socks to bed, as long as on December 20th, I'll have the Mann of my dreams all to myself.
I'm going to stay strong not only for him and my son, but for myself as well.
You're only as strong as you will yourself to be, and I'm bringing on the strength.
Tomorrow, things will be a filled with a little less sap, but with a lot more inspiration.
Hope you'll keep reading,
Kelsey Jean